Simpleclean revealjs theme demo

Simple modifications on clean-revealjs theme

Rahul Saraf

July 11, 2023

Example slide

This is a subtitle

Before we dive a bit deeper, here is a simple example of the clean theme in action.

  • No pictures or anything fancy. Just text for the moment.

Next, we’ll take a brief tour of some theme components.

  • We’ll use the same basic structure as the original LaTeX slides.
  • Note that the full suite of Reveal.js features are available for this Quarto implementation, even if we don’t cover everything here.

Before you proceed…

Requirements for the coding examples in this demo

R libraries

While the clean theme is language agnostic, we will use several R coding examples in this demo to highlight some advanced theme features.

You will need the following libraries if you’d like to render the template “as-is”:

install.packages(c("modelsummary", "gt", "fixest", "pdftools", "tinytex", "threejs"))


While reveal.js presentations are HTML format, we will show an example of how to embed LaTeX tables as images. This requires a working Tex distribution, of which TinyTex provides by far the easiest and lightest integration with Quarto. More details here.

quarto install tinytex



Ordered and Unordered Lists

Here we have an unordered list.

  • first item
    • sub-item
  • second item

And next we have an ordered one.

  1. first item
    1. sub-item
  2. second item


Alerts & Cross-refs

To emphasize specific words or text, you can:

  • Use the default .alert class, e.g. important note.
  • Use the .fg class for custom colour, e.g. important note.
  • Use the .bg class for custom background, e.g. important note.

To cross-reference, you have several options, for example:

  • Beamer-like .button class provided by this theme, e.g. Appendix
  • Quarto’s native cross-ref syntax, e.g., “See Section 4.4.”



Citations follow the standard Quarto format and be sourced from BibLaTex, BibTeX, or CLS files. For example:



Quarto provides dedicated environments for theorems, lemmas, and so forth.

But in presentation format, it’s arguably more effective just to use a Callout Block.

Regression Specification

The main specification is as follows:

\[ y_{it} = X_{it} \beta + \mu_i + \varepsilon_{it} \]


Multicolumn I: Text only

Column 1

Here is a long sentence that will wrap onto the next line as it hits the column width, and continue this way until it stops.

Column 2

Some other text in another column.

A second paragraph.

Multicolumn support is very flexible and we can continue with a single full span column in the same slide.


Multicolumn II: Text and figures

  • A point about the figure that is potentially important.
  • Another point about the figure that is also potentially important.

Note that sub- and multi-panel figures are also natively supported by Quarto. See here.


Multicolumn III: Code and output

palette("Classic Tableau")

  family = "HersheySans",
  las = 1, pch = 19, cex = 1.5


Figure 1: Pairwise scatterplot



Regression example

Quarto offers excellent table support, with further customization via user libraries. Let’s illustrate with a regression example:


mods = feols(
  rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + csw0(raises + critical) + advance,
  data = attitude

dict = c("rating"     = "Overall Rating",
         "complaints" = "Handling of Complaints",
         "privileges" = "No Special Priviledges",
         "learning"   = "Opportunity to Learn",
         "raises"     = "Performance-Based Raises",
         "critical"   = "Too Critical",
         "advance"    = "Advancement")

Regression table


If you use modelsummary with this Quarto theme, we advise setting the gt backend for a cleaner aesthetic. More details here.

options(modelsummary_factory_default = "gt")

  setNames(mods, c("(1)", "(2)")),
  coef_map = dict, stars = TRUE,
  gof_omit = "Adj|IC|F|Log|RMSE"
  ) |>
    label = "Dependent variable: Overall Rating",
    columns = 2:3

Regression table

Dependent variable: Overall Rating
(1) (2)
Handling of Complaints 0.653*** 0.613***
(0.131) (0.161)
No Special Priviledges -0.077 -0.073
(0.131) (0.136)
Opportunity to Learn 0.324+ 0.320+
(0.157) (0.169)
Performance-Based Raises 0.082
Too Critical 0.038
Advancement -0.172 -0.217
(0.149) (0.178)
Num.Obs. 30 30
R2 0.729 0.733
Std.Errors IID IID
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Regression table


fixest’s powerful native tabling functions were designed for LaTeX output. But we can use the markdown = TRUE option to make them work with this theme too. (Details here.) Quick notes:

  • Install the tinytex & pdftools packages first.
  • Set the R chunk option output: asis.
#| output: asis

setFixest_etable(markdown = TRUE, drop = "Constant")

# etable(mods, highlight = .("se" = "complaints"))

Regression table

etable (cont.)




Full-size Figures

You can use the {.background-image} container environment to completely fill the slide background with an image.

Ideally, your figure will be the same aspect ratio as the screen that you’re presenting on.

  • This can be a bit tricky because of the dynamic nature of reveal.js / HTML. But it’s probably something close to 16:9.
  • Aspect ratio can also matter for a regular full-frame images (previous slide).

Interactive plots

Note: Simple flight data example using threejs. There are many interactive plotting options beyond this. (More details.)



A minimal and elegant presentation theme

The Quarto reveal.js clean theme aims to be a minimal and elegant presention theme.

We have highlighted some theme-specific components. But all of the regular reveal.js functionality is supported (chalkboard, etc.)

Install the theme:

quarto install extension rahuketu86/quarto-ext/custom-format/simpleclean

Use these demo slides as a template:

quarto use template rahuketu86/quarto-ext/custom-format/simpleclean

Test Slide

This is a test slide

What is an event?

Some outcome that we can potentially or hypothetically observe or experience( e.g. outcome of rolling a fair sided dice)

What is probability?

Chance of an event occurring

What are odds?

  • Representation: Event happens: Doesn’t happen (a:b)

  • If odd of event B is Odds(B) = a:b then -> Probability of event is \(P(B) = \frac{a}{a+b}\)

What are Expectations?

The expected value of a random variable X is a weighted average of values X can take, with weights given by the probabilities of those values .If X can take on only a finite number of values(say, x1, x2,…, xn),we can calculate the expected value as

\[ E(X) = \sum_{i}^{n}(x_i.P(X=x_i)) \]


Fajgelbaum, Pablo D, Eduardo Morales, Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato, and Owen Zidar. 2018. “State Taxes and Spatial Misallocation,” 90.
Hsieh, Chang-Tai, and Enrico Moretti. 2019. “Housing Constraints and Spatial Misallocation.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 11 (2): 39.
Moretti, Enrico. 2011. “Local Labor Markets.” In Handbook of Labor Economics. Vol. 4. Elsevier.
Suárez Serrato, Juan Carlos, and Owen Zidar. 2016. “Who Benefits from State Corporate Tax Cuts? A Local Labor Markets Approach with Heterogeneous Firms.” American Economic Review 106 (9).


Table 1:

Summary of the base R attitude dataset

Unique (#) Missing (%) Mean SD Min Median Max
rating 22 0 64.6 12.2 40.0 65.5 85.0
complaints 23 0 66.6 13.3 37.0 65.0 90.0
privileges 24 0 53.1 12.2 30.0 51.5 83.0
learning 23 0 56.4 11.7 34.0 56.5 75.0
raises 21 0 64.6 10.4 43.0 63.5 88.0
critical 21 0 74.8 9.9 49.0 77.5 92.0
advance 20 0 42.9 10.3 25.0 41.0 72.0

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